
Meet us on the interwebs!! The Safety Net Project at the National Network to End Domestic Violence invites you to join us for our Virtual Technology Summit!

When: Monday, August 3 –  Friday, August 7
Tech Summit Agenda

 This unique event – our 8th annual Summit, but first one held virtually - focuses on the intersection of technology and abuse. We will explore some of the ways technology is still evolving, including the dramatic increase in digital services in the work to support survivors, growing concerns around online privacy, and increasing detections of stalkerware during the pandemic. We’ll also address online hate and gaming, teens and tech, privacy and confidentiality during a public health crisis, and more.

Learn more and register!!

Thanks to our sponsors! Thank you to Facebook, a leading sponsor of our technology safety work, and to The Allstate Foundation and Vodafone Americas Foundation.

Erica Olsen


By: Cindy Southworth, outgoing NNEDV Executive Vice President and future Women’s Safety Policy Manager at Facebook  

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In July 2000, the 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址 was born when I presented a national workshop to alert local advocates that abusers might soon begin misusing technology to harm their partners. My colleagues and I covered analog cordless phone security, cassette tape answering machines, and new monitoring software (aka “net nannies”). The clipart was embarrassingly old school, but the response from participants was sobering. The victim advocates shared stories of abusive partners assaulting victims to get them to turn over email passwords and misusing TTY machines to impersonate victims who are Deaf.

Upon hearing that technology was already being misused by controlling and abusive partners, I realized that the movement needed a national initiative addressing all forms of technology and the intersection with violence – and we needed it yesterday. Leaders at the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence were incredibly supportive as I continued my coalition work by day and spent evenings and weekends  searching for the right place for the Safety Net Project to land. In December 2001, I met with Lynn Rosenthal at the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) and described my fledgling project. She had a relationship with the AOL Time Warner Foundation and, after countless weekends writing grant applications and continuing to build the Safety Net Project, AOL confirmed our seed money and I moved to Washington, DC – showing up at the NNEDV offices with six boxes of technology curriculum and research. At the time, NNEDV had only five staff; Team NNEDV has grown to almost 45 employees today.

From 2002 – 2014, NNEDV grew, as did the Safety Net team. By the time I was promoted to Executive Vice President in 2014, the Safety Net team was going strong and led by Erica Olsen and Kaofeng Lee. Today, the team provides an extraordinary amount of broad and intensive consultation, training, and analysis every day. The work has always been led by the stated needs of survivors, their advocates, and NNEDV’s member coalitions. The team covers topics impacting survivors ranging from the Internet of Things (IoT), 安卓手机改ip地址软件, privacy, stalkerware, 安卓ip地址更改软件, encryption, apps, and so much more. Starting in February 2003, the team hosted a Training of Trainers for 10 years, then transitioned to their annual Technology Summit that brings together advocates, tech industry leaders, legal professionals, and practitioners from around the country and world.

The team has also been working closely with Facebook, UN Women, and the 手机mac地址修改器如何用 如何修改MAC地址-太平洋IT百科:对于安卓手机来说,在ROOT之后,可伍首先尝试MacAddress这款软件。 这款软件的使用方法比较简单,只要你的手机成功ROOT,安装软件后即可输入想要更改的MAC地址,不过该软件的弊端是无法支持所有设备,一些设备在使用这种修改方法后无法修改成功。 to make sure that survivors anywhere can find vetted helplines, and use a range of secure options, including phone, text, and chat, to reach out for help and support. I look forward to continuing to work on these initiatives in my new role at Facebook.

After 18 years at NNEDV and 20 years since I founded the Safety Net Technology Project, I will be joining Facebook on July 13th as their Women’s Safety Policy Manager.

When I began my work in the movement, I worked to end sexual and domestic violence at local programs, universities, and coalitions in Pennsylvania and Maine. I was the one who set up the first fax machine, then configured email for all of the advocates. I brought my desktop computer into my graduate school class and passed around the memory component to demystify technology back in 1996.

Founding the Safety Net Technology Project 20 years ago, and working at NNEDV for 18 years have provided me with the opportunity to form alliances, reach underserved communities, promote innovation, expand public awareness, inform private sector solutions, and expand federal funding for countless survivors across the nation. This work has meant the world to me, and in my new role at Facebook, I will continue to be an advocate working to create a world free from violence (online and offline) and I look forward to harnessing the reach of Facebook to have an even greater impact.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Erica Olsen, the Safety Net Director, and her phenomenal colleagues on the Safety Net team: Toby, Corbin, Shalini, Audace, Rachel, and Elaina, since they have had it all handled for many years. I know I can’t want wait to reach out to them in my new role. (I think we have a video call scheduled for July 13, right?)

The Team has been providing an incredible amount of support to the field during the pandemic. In March 2023 alone, the Safety Net Team presented 14 webinars to the field, training more than 5,000 advocates, and created 12 pandemic-specific tip sheets and other resources. I couldn’t be prouder of the work of a project I founded 20 years ago this summer.

I look forward to continuing to work with all of you – just in a different role.

For peace and safety,

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Erica Olsen


As an organization, NNEDV rejects all violence, is angered by and grieves the anti-Black racism that is running rampant in this country, and joins in calling for justice and reform.  NNEDV mourns the senseless loss of life, as we have too many times before: Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Atatiana Jefferson, Tony McDade, David McAtee, and many, many others whose names we want to remember and honor. There is much work to be done, including reflecting on our own privileges and taking steps to dismantle the long-standing systems that were built from a culture of white supremacy and continue to allow racist policies to exist today. NNEDV’s commitment extends to our work across all of our projects and teams.

 The Safety Net Project focuses on the intersection of technology and abuse, privacy, and civil rights. As advocates and as humans, we unite in opposition to injustices and oppressions, many of which we are witnessing online and in our streets. We reject the misuse of power, the abuse of trust, and the violation of rights in all their forms.

We believe that everyone deserves safety, privacy, and the ability to live their lives free of violence. We see what is happening - the anti-Black, anti-Native American, anti-Semitic, anti-Asian, anti-LGBTQIA, and anti-immigrant violence and hate, as well as continued ableism in our society – and we will not ignore it or be silent in the face of it.

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We are concerned about inappropriately deployed technologies meant to monitor or track individuals as part of the public health response to COVID-19 and the harm that can be caused to communities already experiencing disproportionate health and economic hardships due to the virus.

We are concerned with the real-life safety issues that stem from online hate and misinformation that provokes violence.

We are concerned about the disproportionate impact on communities of color and people with disabilities when technology and data collection systems are designed and implemented from predominately white and privileged spaces and the unintended consequences that can arise. Specifically, the widespread practice of including personal and private information in public data can lead to discrimination in housing, employment, education, and access to financial resources, even for those who lack access to the tools of technology in their daily lives.

We are concerned that individual and collective access to resources, including technology, is not equal; a deep digital divide remains and specifically impacts Black, Native American, poor, aging, and rural communities. Lack of access to technology in our society increasingly means lack of access to employment, education, housing, social services, and public life.

We are concerned about the use of technologies and platforms without consideration for privacy, safety, and the deep impacts of trauma and recognize how that disproportionately impacts some communities more than others.

These issues are not new. Systemic racism is centuries deep and it will take significant effort, reflection, and resolve to address these issues.

We will continue to focus our efforts on acknowledging and dismantling the ways in which white supremacy permeates our society and our technology, and the many ways that it impacts people every day. We will strengthen our work based on our understanding of these intersections and their impact. We will continue to educate communities and professionals about all the ways technology can be misused, and to advocate for the power of technology to be harnessed for good. We will address hate, unite in solidarity, and work for an equitable world.

Erica Olsen


Greetings colleagues,

We know that as you and your communities continue to serve survivors during this COVID-19 crisis, that it is important that you have the most up-to-date resources and materials to better assist the survivors you work with. Although these resources are not all COVID-19 specific, they all provide guidance and best practices that will hopefully be helpful at any time.

Choosing Digital Service Platform Step-by-Step Guide

Available in English and 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址:
As programs continue to manage navigating the shift from face-to-face advocacy to tele-advocacy, online, or mobile advocacy, it may be difficult to figure out how and where to start the process of choosing and setting up digital services. Before going through this step-by-step plan, please read our Using Technology to Communicate with Survivors During a Public Health Crisis Post.

Working Remotely: Tips for Setting Up Phones

Available in English and Spanish:
Whether advocates are asked to temporarily work from home or they work remotely as part of their regular schedule, being able to securely receive and send calls, text messages, and chats is critical. This guide answers common questions around setting up phones when working remotely.

FAQs for Victim Service Programs About HIPAA Privacy, HIPAA Security, and Technology

Available in 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址 (in Spanish soon):
Designed to help local programs understand the nuances of HIPAA Privacy, HIPAA Security, and what the term “HIPAA-compliant” may (or may not) mean when used by technology vendors to market their product. The also explores how such products may or may not provide appropriate privacy protections to help comply with VAWA confidentiality obligations.

Website Safety & Privacy

Recently Updated and Available in English and 安卓ip地址更改软件:

Visiting a website can leave a digital trail and, for survivors, can create safety and privacy risks. While it may not be possible to completely eliminate risks, through web design and by including content on safety and privacy, you can increase survivors’ awareness and provide options. This revised resource includes tips to help minimize the safety and privacy risks on your program’s website.

How to Talk with Survivors About Safe Methods of Contact & corresponding Safe Contact Intake Form

Available in 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址安卓ip地址更改软件Spanish:
The ways that a survivor wants to communicate with your program should match their needs. A program should never contact a survivor in a way that the survivor has not specifically indicated is safe and private. These resources can help advocates identify safe ways to contact survivors.

Online Support Groups: Best Practices

Available in 安卓ip地址更改软件 and Spanish:
Online support groups can be a valuable way to for survivors to connect with support and other survivors when they are not able to meet in person. There are a wide variety of technology options to connect survivors using technology, including online forums where survivors can read and post messages at any time, and real-time online group web chats or video calls.

Client Information Databases & Confidentiality: A Comprehensive Guide for Service Providers

安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址English (in Spanish soon):
This is both an overview of key data and confidentiality concepts, and a guide to the many considerations that must be weighed when selecting a database, which include: purpose, confidentiality, data security, and program capacity (including costs, technology and staffing). This is intended primarily for community-based victim service programs that are legally obligated under VAWA, FVPSA, and VOCA to maintain confidentiality.

Using Zoom: Safety, Privacy and Confidentiality Considerations

Available in English (in Spanish soon):

With physical distancing measures in place, many organizations and individuals have turned to video conferencing as a way to connect. Zoom has been one of the most asked-about tools. As is the case with any tool, there are going to be benefits and risks for survivor safety and privacy, accessibility, and organizations’ confidentiality obligations. This guide is to help programs understand Zoom and ways to utilize the safety and privacy features Zoom has to offer to help maintain confidentiality.

We are always working to keep our materials relevant and updated. If you have any questions about our materials or resources, please reach out to us at safetynet@nnedv.org.

In peace and tech safety.

Audace Garnett


The COVID-19 pandemic has created a shift throughout the nation and the world.  With stay-at-home and social distancing orders in place across the U.S., victims of domestic and sexual violence are being forced further into seclusion with abusive partners. For many, the threat of physical and emotional violence will dominate their lives more than ever before.

This is an extremely vulnerable time for survivors, and abusers are using it as an excuse to find new ways to exert control. Some of those tactics include feigning illness, not allowing family members to interact or go outside the home at all, withdrawing all money out of bank accounts, contacting the survivor’s work and falsely stating they were exposed to the virus, etc. While some of these tactics may be new and based on the public health crisis, the dynamics of power and control remain the same.

Across the country and world, there has been a serious uptick in domestic violence related crimes. Direct service agencies are seeing an influx of new cases and in some jurisdictions, law enforcement are responding to more calls. This means that survivors need support, resources, services, and shelter more than ever. Fortunately, shelters and other resources remain open during this time as essential businesses.

Some providers have had to close their physical doors, but have remained open in their services, using digital options such as chat and video, to provide services. Many courthouses have also moved to digital services by offering remote hearings for protection orders or are extending orders until the pandemic passes. If you or your agency are considering digital services, please see our Digital Services Toolkit. Here you can find information about best practices when communicating with survivors using technology. You can also access many other resources on our COVID-19 Resources page on TechSafety.org and on NNEDV’s COVID response page.    

It still remains critical, even while many things are rapidly changing, to always assess for safety and privacy risks and conduct on-going safety planning in the safest and most strategic way. We hope these resources help service providers to do that easily with the many new tools they are working to implement.

Similarly, we have also created two new resources for survivors and friends/family. Seeking Help Online: National Resources and Considerations for Safety and Privacy for Survivors provides considerations for maintaining safety and privacy when accessing online help. In partnership with Facebook, we also produced the resource, Tips for Helping a Friend Experiencing Domestic Abuse During COVID-19.

Our colleagues at the Battered Justice Women’s Project have also produced a short video on Coercive Control During COVID-19: New Tactics. Please feel free to post any of these on your website and share widely.

We wish you health during this time. If you or someone you know may need to speak to someone about what they are experiencing, visit this list of 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址.



As you know, technology is ever-evolving. With the sudden need of programs to rapidly switch to digital services during COVID-19, NNEDV’s Safety Net team is working diligently to keep the field up-to-date on all of the changes and new information we receive. We have been talking with companies, testing products, and working to better understand how each platform works, and the implications of using them.

Many of our recent conversations with companies have been fruitful. We have been double-checking their features, and looking at their privacy and security options, accessibility features, and policies on sharing and storing data. Excitingly, some are moving to make changes we have suggested, and beginning to plan for how they can incorporate our feedback to not only better enhance their products, but to ensure their products can be used by all, especially those with strict confidentiality obligations. 

The following are some of the new details we want to share. Please note, we do not endorse any one of these products. We cannot recommend software products or say if a product is or isn’t compliant with the federal confidentiality laws. What we can do is offer information we gather from the software companies, and information about best practices related to confidentiality, privacy, and safety while using technology to communicate with survivors. Use our Video Conferencing & Digital Communication Platforms Chart to learn more.  

  1. Gruveo is now offering a free 45-day trial during this public health crisis and has instituted a 20% discount for all non-profits.

  2. ResourceConnect is offering online chat for free during this pandemic.

  3. Cyph is offering a discount for its telehealth package.

  4. Doxy.me is offering services for free for a limited time for new customers and has an additional privacy protection option available with a signed agreement.

  5. Zoom has an additional privacy protection that stops the company from collecting user (survivor) identifying data when the agency signs an additional agreement. Depending on the subscription you already have, this additional feature may come with a cost. Zoom discounts available through TechSoup.org.

  6. News reports have come out about “Zoombombing.” If using Zoom for public purposes (where link is shared widely), make sure to change the default setting so that only the Host can share their screen or files, and use options to mute/unmute participants.

Zoom Settings Turn Off Screen Sharing

We have seen an overwhelming amount of questions about what company to choose. We have created a new resource to help programs compare services and understand their options. We encourage you to use this information along with information from the vendors directly to make agency-specific decisions. We also have a new handout on Digital Written Consent to Share Information.

 We are constantly learning and advocating for important changes. We will work to keep this new chart and other resources updated with the information we know about these vendors as it becomes available.

C Streett

Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Technology Tools for Services and Remote Workplaces

During a public health crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, when public health officials recommend “social distancing” to slow the spread of infection, technology tools may help support shifting to a remote workplace, mobile advocacy, and communicating with survivors.

In considering new technology, survivors must be at the center of our decision-making. This is true in ordinary times and must still apply even in a public health crisis.

  1. Consider what services can be done remotely with web chat or video calls. Read more about Using Technology to Communicate with Survivors During a Public Health Crisis, and see our Digital Services Toolkit, available in English and Spanish. Read more about best practices for survivors who wish to provide Digital Written Consent to Release Information. You can also view recordings of our webinars for Decision-Makers or for Advocates.

  2. Use tools that allow staff and advocates to work from home, including tools to allow staff and volunteers to communicate with each other (e.g. calls, instant messaging, video), and tools for sharing information while maintaining confidentiality (e.g. secure file sharing). Read more about 如何修改手机ip地址下载_如何修改手机ip地址手机版下载 ...:2021-1-12 · 如何修改手机ip地址手机版让你的生活更加有趣,本站提供如何修改手机ip地址下载。手机ip地址我伊一般很少直接去接触它,但是有些时候连接无线 .... You can also view recordings of our webinars for Decision-Makers or for IT Staff.

  3. Beyond the use of technology, read guidance for domestic violence shelters and other organizations serving survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We know that with any type of public health crisis, access to services can be even harder for survivors who are seeking resources and support. By adjusting how we operate to meet the needs of survivors and advocates, while also understanding the risks of using technology, we can help to ensure that survivors and advocates have the information they need to get help, and also do their jobs to the best of their ability.

If your agency has any questions or needs further guidance on how to implement digital services. Please 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址. You can also reach out to the Capacity Technical Assistance team for any other COVID-19 related questions.

Toby Shulruff


This month, the US Census Bureau, a nonpartisan government agency, is mailing forms to all households across the country, as they work to collect demographic data on everyone residing in the United States. The count is mandated by the US Constitution and is conducted every 10 years. The 2023 Census counts the population in the United States and five U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Each home will receive an invitation to respond to a short questionnaire—online, by phone, or by mail—between March 12-20.

Providing private information about where you live and who you live with can prompt concerns about privacy and safety for survivors of domestic violence. This is especially true for those who’ve left their abuser and are living in a shelter, those who have relocated to a new home and are working to keep their address private, and those who have enrolled in state address confidentiality programs.

We’re happy to announce the release of a new resource crafted for survivors and victim advocates, 如何修改手机MAC地址? - 知乎:2021-8-8 · 对于安卓手机来说,在ROOT之后,可伍首先尝试MacAddress这款软件。这款软件的使用方法比较简单,只要你的手机成功ROOT,安装软件后即可输入想要更改的MAC地址,不过该软件的弊端是无法支持所有设备,一些设备在使用这种修改方法后无法修改成功。, that provides important information related to the US Census and key safety and privacy considerations for survivors of domestic violence. Please check it out and feel free to reach out to us with any related questions!

Follow the embedded link to read the Census Bureau Statement on Coronavirus and the 2023 Census. Stay up to date on the US Census Bureau’s response to COVID-19 by checking their Newsroom

Resources, 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址
US Census

C Streett

Recent Survey Confirms Pervasive Stalking Behaviors that Survivors and Advocates have Reported for Years

Advocates and survivors have long reported technology misuse among the behaviors that current or former abusive partners have used to monitor, control, harass, or harm. Norton LifeLock, a member of the Coalition Against Stalkerware (of which the National Network to End Domestic Violence is a founding member) recently announced the findings of their 2023 survey regarding intimate partner cyberstalking, which revealed that “46 percent of Americans admit to ‘stalking’ an ex or current partner online by checking in on them without their knowledge or consent.”

Whether you are in a relationship or not, you always have a right to privacy. In a healthy relationship, all partners should feel safe and comfortable setting boundaries and knowing that those boundaries will be respected. Healthy relationships are built on mutual trust—not monitoring or checking up on a partner. Surveilling or stalking a partner’s devices or communications is an example of one way that an abusive person may try to gain power and control over a current or former partner.

According to the survey results, the most common form of online stalking included checking their ex or current partner’s phone (29 percent) and reviewing search histories (21 percent). “Nearly one in ten people surveyed reported creating a fake profile to check on someone via social media” and 10 percent reported that they used an app to monitor their ex or current partner’s texts, phone calls, direct messages, emails, and photos, with men being 2.5 times more likely than women to do so. These behaviors don’t show trust or respect, and they can create a serious imbalance of power in a relationship.

In looking at perceptions of these behaviors, Norton LifeLock identified generational differences regarding how people felt about the impact of these behaviors. Perhaps surprisingly, “nearly half of Americans ages 18-34 (45 percent) find online stalking behaviors to be harmless (compared to 27 percent of 45-55 year olds, 19 percent of 55-64 year-olds and 13 percent of those 65 and older.” Younger Americans appear to be more forgiving of these abusive behaviors—the media’s portrayal of stalking behaviors has 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址 in the normalization of these behaviors—which is concerning for the future of privacy and safety for survivors.  Regardless of perception, these behaviors can be dangerous for victims of domestic and sexual violence. Stalking behaviors, whether online or in-person, can cause survivors stress and trauma and are often being perpetrated along with other types of violence.

Stalking, including cyberstalking, is never okay. If you believe you are being stalked, there are resources that can help. Remember: you are not at fault for what you are experiencing. Here are some tips and strategies if you are being stalked or experiencing technology-facilitated abuse:

1.   Document the behavior: Keep a log of what you are experiencing. Try and identify the who, what when, where, and any technology misused in your log. This will be helpful if you decide you want to seek legal assistance. Learn more about documenting abuse.

2.   Reach out for assistance: If safe to do so, reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, a local 如何修改手机ip地址下载_如何修改手机ip地址手机版下载 ...:2021-1-12 · 如何修改手机ip地址手机版让你的生活更加有趣,本站提供如何修改手机ip地址下载。手机ip地址我伊一般很少直接去接触它,但是有些时候连接无线 ... program, or a local law enforcement agency. An advocate can help you safety plan, find local resources, and provide you with support.

3.   Learn about legal remedies: Visit WomensLaw.org to learn about the laws in your state related to stalking and domestic violence and to find helpful legal information and resources.

4.   Be aware of your device usage: If you think that someone is monitoring you or your devices, be careful about what you search and the information you share. Here are some strategies around spyware/stalkerware and understanding stalking.

Do you have other concerns about privacy and safety when using your device? Check out our 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址 Technology Safety & Privacy Toolkit to learn more. 

Rachel Gibson

New Work, Same Passion


The Safety Net team at the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) finished 2023 with a renewed sense of passion and purpose. We worked diligently to create informational resources, provide in-depth technical assistance to the field, and stay abreast of new topics and trends. We could not have done this work without you. We are grateful for the expertise and wisdom each of the coalitions, local programs, grant partners, survivors, and service providers bring each day.

Here are a few highlights from 2023:

The 7th Annual Technology Summit: This conference saw us hop in our DeLorean back to the 1980s. With technology ever-changing, this year’s summit kicked off with a focus on the importance of recognizing that even as new technologies impact our work, the behaviors used by perpetrators to abuse, harass, and harm are all still the same. Day one was spent working through strategies for safety planning, identifying what technology misuse looks like today, while also remembering that nothing can take away from good advocacy. The rest of the week was spent learning from experts in the field on new technologies, ways technologies affect communities at the margins, and helping service providers walk in survivors’ digital shoes. With the closing of the 7th annual Technology Summit, it was announced that this year’s technology summit would be held in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. We are excited to bring Tech Summit home, and can’t wait to announce our expert speakers and conference sessions. Stay tuned to learn more!



Coalition Against Stalkerware & Updated Materials: We started working with antivirus companies, international NGOs, and other technologists to form the Coalition Against Stalkerware. As one of the founding members of the coalition, we have worked to train technologists, provided expert-level feedback on products, and have provided our unique expertise on the intersections of technology and intimate partner violence. We have updated our materials to reflect changes around the use of stalkerware and are enthusiastic to be working with our partners on this much-needed project. Learn more about this work and check out our new materials.

Coalition Against Stalkerware

Coalition Against Stalkerware

By the Numbers: We have been busy, busy, busy working on creating timely and relevant new content; providing technical assistance to the field, technology companies, and survivors; and traveling the world providing trainings on technology misuse, online dating and gaming, elders and technology, teens and tech, providing digital services, and more. Here’s a quick look at our Year In Review.

Year in Review Snapshot

Year in Review Snapshot

安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址We are excited to see what 2023 has to offer. We are working to build better partnerships, create more materials, provide technical assistance and training, and continue to work to increase the capacity of service providers. We are excited to launch our evidence collection app, DocuSAFE, in March 2023 and look forward to hearing feedback from the field.

We will begin testing new apps and products, providing support to other teams here at NNEDV at our unique intersection, and enhancing our own learning around technology misuse. We are looking forward to continuing this journey with each of you as we wrap up old projects and dive into new work, with the same passion for ending violence and all that 2023 has to offer.

Rachel Gibson